- 氏名(本籍)
- 高橋 美樹(北海道)
- 学位の種類
- 博士(芸術学)
- 学位記番号
- 博1
- 学位授与日
- 平成17年3月18日
- 学位授与の条件
- 学位規定第4条の2
- 学位論文題目
- 沖縄のポピュラー音楽史における伝統と創造 ―知名定男の音楽活動を事例として―
- ダウンロード
- 論文要旨および審査結果の要旨
- 審査委員
- 教授 金城 厚[主査]
- 教授 蒲生 美津子
- 教授 小川 博司(関西大学)
- 助教授 久万田 晋
- 教授 梅田 英春
- 論文要旨
- 英文要旨(English)
- 論文審査要旨
Tradition and Creation in the History of Okinawan Popular Music:
A Case Study of Sadao China and His Music.
This thesis examines how the artistic expressions of identity by Okinawan musicians trained in the Okinawan traditional music have been constructed in the historical context of Okinawan popular music. It focuses on Sadao China as a musician and a producer and his work, as he has been one of the most influential persons in the development of Okinawan popular music.
The methodological model employed in this thesis consists of four different components; “historical construction,” “social maintenance,” “individual creativity and experience” and “mass media.” The conceptual framework of “toward internal audience” and “toward external audience” then compliments this model.
Chapter 1 provides an overview of the history of Okinawan popular music which contexualizes the following chapters.
Chapter 2 discusses the process of the emergence of shimauta (しまうた) by tracing how the other related concepts of minyou (民謡), shimauta (島唄) and miuta(新唄)have come into being in Okinawa and on the Amami Islands. It is argued that while minyou (民謡) spreads from center to peripheries or Tokyo to Okinawa, shimauta (しまうた) spreads from peripheries to Mainland Japan, indicating the reversal of a power relationship along the center-periphery line in Japanese popular music.
Chapter 3 discusses the contour of the practices of post-World War II Okinawan folk musicians by comparing the life history and music practice of Sadao China with those of Seijin Noborikawa and Shuken Maekawa. Each of them represents a different generation of the post WWII Okinawan folk musicians. It is pointed out that while they all tend to keep their traditional music intact towards their “internal” or Okinawan audience, they apply different strategies for their “external audience.” Noborikawa’s music for his external audience is often directed by mainland Japanese producers. Maekawa’s music is mostly oriented toward his internal Okinawan audience. China meanwhile faces his external audience by applying his exclusive control over his music as a musician, lyrist, composer and producer.
Chapter 4 discusses particular styles of music writing found in Okinawan popular music by analyzing some of China’s original songs. It is pointed out that popular images shared by the Okinawan public are often woven into the lyrics of songs. It is also pointed out that, as most notably manifested in China’s “Bye Bye Okinawa” and “Tege,” a “sandwich structure” is often employed in writing of songs.
Chapter 5 discusses how China, as a producer, has promoted Okinawan music toward the external (or non-Okinawan) audience. This is done by examining his understanding of popular music in mainland Japan and overseas and how such an understanding has been manifested in his musical expressions. The Nenes, a popular female vocal group with whom China has closely worked as a producer, is examined to illustrate this point. The life histories of the members of the Nenes are discussed to show how important changes in their understandings of music evolved as well as the different musical directions they have taken since the break up of the group.
It is argued that many similarities underlie the success of the Nenes in the 90s and the debut of China in the 70s in the Japanese popular music scene. They both had very similar concepts regarding their performance, and both aimed to be successful in the realm of popular music. With the world music boom in the 80s bringing about enormous changes in the Japanese popular music scene, however, the Japanese audience has become more receptive to and willing to appreciate music incorporating both traditional music forms and elements of Western popular music. The Nenes strove and became accepted by the audience in this particular social and historical context. In other words, while the “individual’s creativity and experience” did not differ much for both the Nenes and China, the social contexts in which the “individual’s creativity and experience” were “socially maintained” differed. Through the particular “historical construction” of the popular music scene and the development of “mass media,” the Nenes became a success story in the popular music scene.