- 氏名(本籍)
- 松本 麻耶子[旧姓=古謝](沖縄県)
- 学位の種類
- 博士(芸術学)
- 学位記番号
- 博士10
- 学位授与日
- 平成26年9月24日
- 学位授与の条件
- 学位規定第4条の2
- 学位論文題目
- モザンビークの舞踊劇バイラードの民族音楽的研究 ―「アート」の創出とアイデンティティ―
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- 博士論文全体 論文要旨および論文審査要旨
- 審査委員
- 教授 小西 潤子[主査]
- 教授 金城 厚
- 教授 花城 洋子
- 教授 久万田 晋
- 名誉教授 中村 透(琉球大学名誉教授)
- 論文要旨
- 英文要旨(English)
- 論文審査要旨
An Ethnomusicological Study of Mozambican Dance Drama Bailado: Creation of “Art” and Identity.
Bailado, a dance drama infused with elements of ballet, was first created and developed in newly independent Mozambique. It was an integral part of Mozambique’s “cultural policies” aimed to help the formation of a new nation-state. The Companhia Nacional de Canto e Dança (CNCD), a national dance troupe, was at that time the only entity that performed bailado. At present, however, various local dance groups have come to perform their own bailado pieces. Taking an ethnomusicological approach, this thesis examines the processes of the creation and popularization of bailado. It pays special attention to how the notion of “art,” a foreign notion, has influenced the performers in these processes as they make a conscious effort to connect local performing traditions and Western theatrical performing arts.
Chapter 1 discusses the establishment and development of CNCD. The establishment of CNCD led to the collection and preservation of various local performing traditions, and subsequently to the production of various bailado pieces that would pursue moçambicanidade (Mozambicanity). CNCD was instrumental in the formation of a new national identity as it incorporated into bailado various performing traditions of local communities in Mozambique. Initially, the main themes of bailado focused on people’s suffering and resistance during the colonial period. After the nation state’s political reform from socialism, the themes of bailado shifted to include issues such as environment, peace, and HIV/AIDS.
Chapter 2 examines the development of various local bailado in Zambezia province. Particular attention will be paid to the experience of the dance drama group Montes Namuli. During the colonial period, performing traditions of ethnic groups in the province were still inherited within their communities. After the independence of Mozambique, many performing traditions began to disappear in part due to the new nation-state’s “cultural policies” and social changes taking place. Some performing traditions would continue while being transformed through the “cultural activities/movements of citizens.” The experience of Montes Namuli proves to be exemplary of local bailado at present. While Montes Namuli shows a strong desire to create “artistic” pieces because of its interaction with foreign performing arts companies it also adheres to the local performing traditions.
Chapter 3 focuses on changes in the structural elements and style of bailado performed by Montes Namuli and the group’s overall transformation. Two observations are discussed. First, in the groups’ bailado pieces created and performed with support from foreign theatrical groups, musical instruments from other regions of Mozambique are incorporated and many lines are spoken in Portuguese. Second, as many Mones Namuli members prefer to incorporate elements of contemporary dance into its bailado, and as traditional music techniques often can not be used to provide adequate music for these modern bailado pieces, the group often resorts to using pre-recorded music. These changes and the group’s overall transformation are reflected in the emergent recognition shared by Mones Namuli members that “dance and music need to be changed to become more modern.”
Chapter 4 discusses the relationship between bailado and performing traditions and local rituals in terms of individual performers by focusing on Montes Namuli’s instrument player and music creator Angelo José. In creating bailado music, Angelo José often mixes musical elements of particular rituals of his local community with music elements of performing traditions of other communities. He also uses musical instruments that are not traditionally associated with the rituals. In this process of creation and performance of music, the separation of musical elements from their original ritual contexts and the infusion of musical elements from various contexts and communities have become important forms of his artistic expression.
Chapter 5 concludes this thesis with an overarching discussion on the processes of creation and popularization of bailado and the influence of the notion of “art” on these processes. While created as a cultural vehicle to help establish and promote nationalistic ideologies and moçambicanidade, Bailado has been transformed to a form of performing art in the sense that the performers express their own ideologies and identities through their body movements and music of bailado. In these processes, often accompanied by struggles between tradition and modern techniques, the notion of art has become a part of the consciousness and subjectivity of many bailado performers.