ベートーヴェン作曲《アントン・ディアベッリのワルツ主題による33の変奏曲》作品120(以下、作品120と呼称)には、ベートーヴェン自身による自筆譜と写譜者による浄書譜とが存在する。その他、印刷楽譜としては、ベートーヴェン生前に出版された「初版譜Originalausgabe」、「改題版Titelauflage」、ベートーヴェン没後の後続の印刷楽譜「後続版Nachdruck」がある。後続版出版の後のいわゆる「旧全集 Ludwig van Beethovens Werke: Vollstaイタリックndige kritisch durchgesehene uイタリックberall berechtigte Ausgabe」と、いわゆる「新全集 Beethoven Werke: herausgegeben von Beethoven-Archiv Bonn 」にも作品120は所収されている。一方、現在流通しているCD演奏では、現行の「新全集」ではなく、1862〜65年刊行の「旧全集」に基づく演奏が聴かれる。
本研究は、作品120を対象として、特に、1823年に出版された「初版譜」と翌1824年に出版された「改題版」について詳細に比較し、さらにベートーヴェン没後の1830年以降に出版された「後続版」についても検討し、従来の原典資料研究が見落としていた「異同 Lesart」について考察したものである。
これらの調査から、筆者は、楽譜の表紙、あるいはデザインが同じであり、且つ楽譜の最下段に記載されたプレート番号が同じであっても異なる版が存在することを認識すべきである、と主張する。同時に、作品120のみならず、いわゆる「原典版 Urtext」と称される全ての版についても、楽譜資料の典拠が明記されるべきである、と考える。
A Critical Study of the Editions of Beethoven’s Diabelli Variations Op.120:
Mainly focusing on several variants in the early period of editions of the Diabelli Variations.
Beethoven’s Diabelli Variations (“Thirty-three Variations in C on a Waltz by Anton Diabelli”), Op.120(hereinafter Op.120) exists in the version autographed by Beethoven himself and also in manuscript copies written by copyists. In addition, printed editions include “Originalausgabe”, an original edition, and “Titelauflage”, a title edition, both published before Beethoven’s death. “Nachdruck”, a subsequent edition published after Beethoven’s death, followed these. After “Nachdruck” came the “Brietkopf & Ha1rtel’s Complete Edition of Beethoven’s Works” and the “Complete Edition of the Beethoven Archives,” both of which included Op.120. The versions of the work currently available on CD were played not on the basis of the present “Complete Edition of the Beethoven Archives” but mainly on the “Brietkopf & Ha1rtel’s Complete Edition of Beethoven’s Works” published in 1862-1865. Why are there different editions of the same work?
The subject of this study is Beethoven’s Op.120. This study undertakes a minute comparative study of the original edition of Op.120 published in 1823 and the title edition published in 1824. In addition, it also examines the subsequent edition of Op.120 published from 1830 onward, after Beethoven’s death. It pays attention to the early period of variants (Lesart) which were overlooked in previous studies.
Chapter One refers to the previous studies on Op.120 and cites issues and several points of contention arising from these previous studies.
Chapter Two examines the circumstances under which Op.120 was written and clarifies the social milieu surrounding Anton Diabelli, composer of the theme of Op.120, and Beethoven. At the same time, I also discussed the other “Diabelli Variations” (Vaterlandischer Kunstverein) composed by 50 composers based on the same original waltz of Anton Diabelli and clarified the variation techniques that were popular at that time.
Chapter Three examines Beethoven’s technique of variation, which he used not only for variations but also in piano sonatas, symphonies and chamber music. It sets Op.120 in the context of these changes in variation technique.
Chapter four analyzes Op.120, introduces the theory of distinguishing the 33 variations in terms of 4, 5, 7, and 8 grouping and proposes a new theory of grouping.
Chapter Five examines the contents of the original editions of Op.120 and the title editions of Op.120. The original and title editions are held in Bonn, Vienna, Berlin, Munich, Prague and others. I researched eight original editions and came to realize that these editions can be classified into original editions A and B, since they differ in terms of interval, dynamic, staccato, etc., although they have the same plate number.
Likewise, after cross-checking 11 title editions, I found that these editions may also be classified into two; title editions C and D. The title edition C was revised on the basis of the original edition B, whereas the title edition D referred to Beethoven’s autographed version to which it made some revisions. Furthermore, I established that the title editions have four different covers.
The original edition A does not reproduce precisely the autographed or manuscript versions but contains certain flaws. My understanding is that the original edition A was published after June 1823; the flaw was found; and within a short period of time, revisions were entered on the copper plates and the original edition B was published. I also realized that the subsequent editions contain the same score as the original editions A. Furthermore, the “Brietkopf & Ha1rtel’s Complete Edition of Beethoven’s Works” turns out to be based on the original editions B. The “Complete Edition of the Beethoven Archives” does not record the name of the original edition on which it is based. The interpretations which are not written in the autograph or manuscript copies were added in some parts of this “Complete Editions” by a reviser.
Through this study, I came to believe that we need to recognize there are variants (Lesart), even though covers and designs of respective editions are the same and the plate numbers entered at the bottom of the score are also identical.
Furthermore, I urge the importance of clarifying the original source of the score materials not only in Op.120 but also in all editions which have been referred to as Original Version (Urtext).
なお、論文表題にある異動(Lesart)とVersion Auflageの用語についての言及が不十分であること、文献学に焦点をしぼった研究方法や論文構成が考えられること、先行研究の叙述や作品分析に緩慢な部分があったことが指摘された。