Creating a new cultural art that connects Okinawa to the future



April 1, 1982 OPUA preparatory office formed
April 1, 1983 Office reorganized as OPUA preparatory secretariat
July 22, 1983 OPUA Preparatory committee established
July 31, 1985 Groundbreaking ceremony held
December 25, 1985 Establishment of OPUA authorized by the Minister of Education
February 7, 1986 Teacher-training course at OPUA authorized by the Minister of Education
April 1, 1986 OPUA opened
President Masao Yamamoto took office
April 15, 1986 First entrance ceremony
May 15, 1986 OPUA opening ceremony
November 2-3, 1987 First OPUA festival
November 4, 1987 Establishment of OPUA Arts Promotion Foundation authorized
October 7, 1988 Climbing kiln completed (Crafts Major)
March 26, 1989 Gymnasium completed
December 22, 1989 Department of Music authorized
March 26, 1990 First commencement ceremony
May 8, 1990 Music building completed
May 15, 1990 Fifth anniversary of OPUA and opening ceremony of Music Department
March 28, 1992 Hikizome Dyeing studio completed
March 16, 1993 Establishment of graduate school authorized (Formative Arts program)
March 19, 1993 Graduate school curriculum authorized
March 16, 1994 Establishment of graduate school authorized (Music Arts program)
April 1, 1994 MA program in Music Arts established
July 31, 1994 University library and arts museum completed
November 25, 1994 Establishment of Art Studies major in Department of Fine Arts authorized
March 31, 1995 Music Hall completed
April 1, 1995 Art Studies major in Department of Fine Arts established
December 22, 1995 Establishment of Graduate School of Cultural Arts Studies (PhD program) authorized
April 1, 1996 Graduate School of Cultural Arts Studies (PhD program) established
October 15, 1996 President Kimimasa Abe took office
March 31, 1997 Welfare building completed
March 31, 1998 Research Institute building completed
January 31, 2002 Aizome Dyeing studio completed
October 15, 2002 President Jissei Omine took office
July 10, 2003 President Koji Asaoka took office
April 1, 2004 Japanese Music Major renamed Ryukyuan Performing Arts Major in Department of Music
April 1, 2004 Japanese Music Specialization renamed Ryukyuan Classical Music Course, and Music Drama Specialization renamed Ryukyuan Dance and Kumiodori Course in Theater Art Studies Major of Graduate School of Music Arts
July 18, 2006 President Tokumasa Miyagi took office
October 1, 2006 Art festival at Peace Memorial Park commemorating 20th anniversary of OPUA
November 25-26, 2006 Opera performances commemorating 20th anniversary of OPUA
December 21, 2006 Junji Nishime Award for undergraduate student and Masao Yamamoto Award for graduate student established
May 15, 2007 “Tumui Kejyo Concert” held to commemorate university anniversary
May 15, 2009 “Consider Current University Situations” meeting held to commemorate university’s anniversary
June 16, 2009 Students of Ryukyuan Performing Arts major gave a Ryukyuan Classical Music Concert to commemorate 100th anniversary of Okinawa Prefectural Assembly
November 28-29, 2009 First OPUA off-campus classes offered in Taketomi town to share results of faculty research with the community
July 18, 2010 President Tsuguo Sakumoto took office
October 13, 2010 First symposium, “Role of Public Universities Specializing in Arts,” co-hosted with the Japan Association of Public Universities
March 31, 2011 Design Central Building, Crafts Building and Sculpture Building completed
October 1, 2011 Opening ceremony of Shuri-Sakiyama Campus
April 1, 2012 New crafts concentration in Urushi lacquering established
April 1, 2012 A new research and advanced skills-development program for artists and performers seeking a Ph.D., established within the Graduate School of Art and Cultural Studies
July 18, 2014 President Yasuharu Higa took office
April 1, 2016 Department of Music reorganized as Performance and Composition Major, Music Culture Studies Major and Ryukyuan Performing Arts Major
April 1, 2016 Okinawan Culture and Arts Management Course established within Music Culture Studies Major
April 1, 2020 President Izumi Hatano took office
April 1, 2021 Establishment of OPUA as a public university corporation


As of May 1, 2022
Faculty Department Major Enrollment 1st year students 2nd year students 3rd year students 4th year students Total
Enrollment Total Fixed number Sub total Students from Okinawa Students from Outside Okinawa male female Sub total Students from Okinawa Students from Outside Okinawa male female Sub total Students from Okinawa Students from Outside Okinawa male female Sub total Students from Okinawa Students from Outside Okinawa male female Sub total Students from Okinawa Students from Outside Okinawa male female
Arts and Crafts Fine Arts Painting 10 40 11 4 7 5 6 17 9 8 2 15 12 4 8 1 11 13 9 4 5 8 53 26 27 13 40
Sculpture 5 20 8 3 5 3 5 4 0 4 2 2 5 0 5 0 5 6 1 5 2 4 23 4 19 7 16
Art Studies 6 24 8 2 6 2 6 5 3 2 0 5 7 4 3 3 4 8 3 5 2 6 28 12 16 7 21
Design and Crafts Design 20 80 26 18 8 3 23 21 14 7 6 15 23 16 7 3 20 25 19 6 7 18 95 67 28 19 76
Crafts 24 96 24 8 16 2 22 28 13 15 7 21 28 4 24 6 22 24 2 22 1 23 104 27 77 16 88
Subtotal 65 260 77 35 42 15 62 75 39 36 17 58 75 28 47 13 62 76 34 42 17 59 303 136 167 62 241
Music Music Performance and Composition 23 92 24 12 12 2 22 28 18 10 9 19 26 12 14 4 22 27 13 14 3 24 105 55 50 18 87
Music Culture Studies 7 28 5 1 4 0 5 8 4 4 3 5 6 2 4 0 6 6 3 3 2 4 25 10 15 5 20
Vocal Music - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Instrumental Music - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Musicology - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ryukyuan Performing 10 40 11 9 2 3 8 14 11 3 7 7 11 8 3 4 7 11 9 2 5 6 47 37 10 19 28
Subtotal 40 160 40 22 18 5 35 50 33 17 19 31 43 22 21 8 35 44 25 19 10 34 177 102 75 42 135
Total 105 420 117 57 60 20 97 125 72 53 36 89 118 50 68 21 97 120 59 61 27 93 480 238 242 104 376
Graduate School Major Enrollment 1st year students 2nd year students 3rd year students Total
Enrollment Fixed number Subtotal Students from our university Students from others male female Subtotal Students from our university Students from others male female Subtotal Students from our university Students from others male female Subtotal Students from our university Students from others male female
Formative Arts (MA) 18 36 32 22 10 11 21 29 24 5 11 18 - - - - - 61 46 15 22 39
Music Arts (MA) 15 30 14 10 4 4 10 19 15 4 6 13 - - - - - 33 25 8 10 23
Cultural Arts Studies (PhD) 3 9 3 1 2 1 2 5 5 0 2 3 7 4 3 5 2 15 10 5 8 7
Total 36 75 49 33 16 16 33 53 44 9 19 34 7 4 3 5 2 109 81 28 40 69
Total Total male female
589 144 445

Buildings and Facilities

Total Floor Area of Campus
Total Site Area

Shuri-Tonokura Campus

Total Floor Area
Total Site Area
Facility Name Completion Floor Area
Administration Building FY1985 1,350.60㎡
General Education Building FY1986 1,822.40
Music Building FY1989 3,535.50
Welfare Building FY1996 964.27㎡
Art Building FY1987 2,494.29
Gym FY1988 1,070.99
Library & Arts Museum FY1993 4,093.59
Music Hall FY1994 1,999.10
Sports Ground 3,375.00㎡

Shuri-Kinjo Campus

Total Floor Area
Total Site Area
Facility Name Completion Floor Area
Research Building FY1997 2,141.161㎡

Shuri-Sakiyama Campus

Total Floor Area
Total Site Area
Facility Name Completion Floor Area
Design / Central Building FY2011 3,230.82㎡
Crafts Building FY2011 4,074.53㎡
Sculpture Building (1) FY2011 1,062.21㎡
Sculpture Building (2) FY2011 330.00㎡
Sculpture Building (3) FY2011 660.09㎡