“Beasts along Boundaries: Elephants in the Medieval West,” in Animals on the Edge. From Exotic Beasts to Nonhuman Transcendence, Katja Fält (ed.), Trivent Publishing, pp.103-134.
“Migration of Fantastic Creatures: The Stories of the Pygmaioi and Cranes”, in Fantastic Beasts in Antiquity: Looking for the Monster, discovering the Human (eds. Sarah Béthume and Paolo Tomassini), Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, pp.169-189.
The Iconography of the Elephant in the Middle Ages: Some Observations on its Anatomy in Visual Art、沖縄県立芸術大学30周年記念論文集
「西洋中世における象の寓意と象徴」 沖縄県立芸術大学紀要 第23号(1-20頁)
Il concetto di 'terra' e la sua rappresentazione: un tentativo di studio comparato tra Italia e Giappone, Atti del XXXIII Convegno di Studi sul Giappone, Associazione Italiana per gli Studi Giapponesi, 2010, pp. 17-45.
「ロマネスク怪物の図像 言葉と図像をめぐる一考察」『EX ORIENTE 』第13号(特集 記憶表象のトポス)大阪外国語大学言語社会学会(67-110頁)
Il concetto di <terra> e la sua rappresentazione: un tentativo di studio comparato tra Italia e Giappone
「『土』『大地』の概念とその表象。日伊比較研究の試み」, 第33回 AISTUGIA=伊日研究学会大会招待講演 於:ミラノ・ビコッカ大学
“Migration of the Image of the Sirens to the New World”, 第6回古典文献学会(The 6th International Classical Philology Biennial Conference, Antiquitas Viva 2019) 於:ラトヴィア大学
“Elephant in the Medieval West”, リーズ国際中世学会(Leeds International Medieval Congress) Animals on the Edge分科会 於:英国リーズ大学
“Migration of Fantastic Beasts: Their Flow into the Margins of the World”, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them in Antiquity, Conference organized by “Synoikiskmos” Seminar 於:ベルギー、ルーヴァンカトリック大学
The Iconography of the elephant in the Middle Ages-some observations on its anatomy in visual art、第19回国際ルナール学会大会 於:フランス、エクサンプロヴァンス市